Game playing is part of human nature; it’s built into us from infancy. In fact, game playing is common in all mammals. Watch a litter of wolf pups and you’ll see them engage in game play. Doing so helps them develop muscles and reflexes that will enable them later in life to survive in the wild. Our children play games as practice for real life, helping them to develop cognitive functions and skills that will serve them later.
As adults, games continue to serve us by creating opportunities for physical and/or mental exercise. Playing a pickup game of basketball helps keep us physically fit, while solving the daily Sudoku or crossword puzzle helps keep us mentally fit. So why an entire chapter dedicated to online gaming? Simple. For some of us, gaming creates a tremendous draw well into adulthood and may become addictive and destructive. Even when involvement in gaming doesn’t rise to the level of an addiction, games can consume a tremendous amount of time and rob us of more valuable experiences. An additional danger introduced by games is the accessibility of morally corrosive material.
Suggested Listening:
Internet Safety Podcast Episode 13: Online Gaming (Part 1)
Internet Safety Podcast 14: Online Gaming (Part 2)