CDs, DVDs, and Other Media

CDs and DVDs

We think of CDs and DVDs as somewhat “old school,” but that’s the generation in which we live. When addressing pornography in our hyper-connected world, we simply can’t afford to forget cable and satellite television, DVDs, and CDs.

For television access, most modern television sets provide parental controls, and programming is commonly broadcast with content ratings embedded in the data signal. DVR boxes and other programming devices typically add an additional layer of protection for individuals, providing the ability to filter and program rating, but also the ability to block certain channels entirely. It’s imperative that parents utilize the controls built into both the television set and the cable or DVR box. If an adult struggles with pornography addiction, a spouse or other trusted friend should control the password.

DVD rentals are easier than ever with Redbox and Netflix, and provide an unprecedented level of privacy for browsing and buying. That means unprecedented access to inappropriate material. In addition, DVD providers such as Netflix are turning increasingly to streaming video to both computers and televisions, amplifying the viewing options. Other services, such as Hulu, provide streaming of commercial video content to computers. These emerging options increase the availability of inappropriate content both online and via the television.

We think of CDs as being primarily about music, but remember that CDs are data discs. They can be burned with anything, including pornographic material. Any burned CD that enters your home is a potential carrier of illicit content. The same is true of USB drives and small memory cards for digital cameras (such as SD cards).


The number of ways digital content can be brought into a home in this generation is absolutely dizzying, which brings us back to where we started. Agency is the ultimate answer, and the Atonement is absolutely necessary to survive spiritually in this generation. In the remaining sections, I’ve tried to present some practical things you can do above and beyond the suggested tools I’ve outlined above.

Images by Marius Iordache and Korail2012 via Wikimedia Commons.

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